Audience Design Consultancy (2019) – together with Kirsten Loose



Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, becomes a writer on a popular soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise – until the soldier and the show’s financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.



TEL AVIV ON FIRE offers an unusual combination of humour and politics. It is a comedy on the political issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Palestinian film maker Sameh Zoabi. Humour gives a good space to tackle serious issues and speak about them in fresh and more engaging ways.

The approach for the audience design strategy was to focus on the comedy aspect of the film: that it is an entertaining, fun to watch and at the same time well done signature film that attracts a wide range of audiences to actually make their way to the cinema for enjoying an intelligent date and family movie. A film that renders the political conflicts in Israel-Palestine in a deeply human way and shows that love and humour have no borders.

During the Audience Design consultancy, we identified different target audiences for the film and offered a global strategy with a variety of alternative methods and ideas to reach these groups. The strategy was designed as a supplement to the local marketing and promotion, and as a global action to give the film a long term focus. Distributors are encouraged to select the elements from this “strategy tool kit” that suit their market and implement or adapt them for upcoming festival and theatrical releases in their territory.

  • Miléna Poylo, Producer (TS Productions (France):

    „The successful theatrical release in France was caused by the elements that the Audience Designers added. Key to the success of the film was, that we designed a specific campaign for each territory and audience.“

  • Pierre Landais, Distributor (Haut et Court, France):

    "Thanks to the successful digital campaign, the film team received a lot of comments and opinions about the movie and they were mostly very positive. They also received good feedback from the press.“


France/Israel/Luxemburg/Belgium, 2018
Written & directed by Sameh Zoabi
Fiction, 97 min, DCP, color

Venice International Film Festival 2018 (Best Film / Interfilm Award & Best Actor Kais Nashef / Venice Horizons Award), Best Screenplay (Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2018), Toronto International Film Festival 2018, Cork International Film Festival 2018, Haifa International Film Festival 2018 (Best Film / Israeli Film Competition), Tokyo International Film Festival 2018, Zürich Film Festival 2018, Rotterdam International Film Festival 2019